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Anno '90

We grew up in a family where the appreciation of different cultures, arts, music, and dance was especially important. We traveled a lot, which allowed us to learn about various cultures, architectural structures, and branches of art, broadening our horizons.

Eventually, as adults, we both chose helping professions. The 'Elmerengők' was created out of this desire to help and our love for the arts.

As a psychologist, Évi had the opportunity to work with individuals, families, and adolescents even before completing her studies at the university (PPKE). Alongside conversations, she preferred creative methodologies, such as art therapy. Among her most memorable experiences were the group sessions with adolescents at the Esztergom Girls' Rehabilitation Institute (EMMI), where she incorporated many drawing elements and psychodrama exercises into the groups. She worked actively as a psychologist until the lockdowns, then began exploring a different creative path in the world of software development. Additionally, not only as part of mandatory university education but also for her personal development, she has accumulated several hundred hours of self-awareness practices. These were carried out in the form of individual therapy sessions and psychodrama, and she also had the chance to delve into the practices applicable in family therapy through method-specific training.

Petra korábban csoportos- és személyi edzőként, majd jógaoktatóként, és dietetikusként (Semmelweis Egyetem) rengeteg tapasztalatot szerzett különböző élethelyzetekben lévő emberekkel való kommunikációban, hamar egyértelművé vált számára, hogy a test problémái nehezen elválaszthatóak a lélek egészségétől és sérüléseitől. Saját “terápiája” főképp különböző mozgásformákban, táncban, jógában, meditációban történő utazásban valósult meg.

We both enjoy immersing ourselves in creative activities such as dancing, pottery, writing and reading, drawing, and cooking and baking, and we have personally experienced their “healing” effects.

The idea of 'Elmerengők' first emerged during the lockdowns, but we talked about it so much that eventually, dreams turned into plans and then into tangible publications.

After about six months of daily WhatsApp messaging, phone calls, brainstorming, and creative planning, we started putting together our first product, the VONALZÓ. We painted the pictures during our joint “tea afternoons,” having a lot of fun in the process. Of course, there was as much stress and anxiety behind the work as there were joyful and memorable moments… but we never regretted starting this journey because the feedback from our customers, friends, and family proves that every second spent working was worth it.

For many people, self-discovery or any therapeutic method may initially sound intimidating and feel unfamiliar, which might prevent them from seeking professional help. While we emphasize that our books do not replace conversations with a qualified therapist, they may serve as useful tools for taking that first step.

The playful approach, the use of artistic tools, and the power of creativity ease the rules a bit and perhaps make the concept of self-discovery less daunting and scary.

With 'Elmerengők', we aim to make the work of self-discovery accessible to everyone, providing a creative toolkit for self-care. Our goal is to help open up barriers and recognize difficulties that may arise individually, in a relationship, or within a family, by developing creativity and playfully crossing our own boundaries. Drawing and writing facilitate relaxation and recreation, but they also help deepen self-awareness.

Currently, 'Elmerengők' includes self-discovery journals, creative workbooks to aid meditation, workbooks to facilitate connection with the family, and in the future, we plan to publish editions specifically for children and for the whole family to use together.


High quality

Environmentally friendly

We are currently present on Facebook, and we are continuously working on our Instagram page to make our community as active and interactive as possible. In the near future, we plan to launch thematic, creative, self-discovery workshops, lectures, and camps where we can meet our customers and provide them with a diverse program palette in the spirit of Elmerengők, in the name of self-discovery.

Elmerengők offers a world where self-discovery and creativity meet to help people explore themselves and realize their inner potential. Be a part of this inspiring community!

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